Part Number: EJA110E-JLH4J-712DD/D1/N4
Model: EJA110E Differential Pressure Transmitter
Brand: Yokogawa
Model: EJA110E - Differential pressure transmitterOutput signal: -J - 4 to 20 mA DC with digital communication (HART 5/HART 7 protocol)
Measurement span (capsule): L - 0.5 to 10 kPa (2.0 to 40 inH2O) (For Wetted parts material code M, H, T, A, D, B and W)
Wetted parts material: H
Cover flange and process connector: ASTM CF-8M
Capsule: Hastelloy C-276
Capsule gasket: PTFE Teflon
Vent/Drain plug: 316 SST
Process connections: 4 - with 1/2 NPT female process connector
Bolts and nuts material: J - B7 carbon steel
Installation: -7 - Vertical piping, left side high pressure, and process connection downside
Amplifier housing: 1 - Cast aluminum alloy
Electrical connection: 2 - 1/2 NPT female, two electrical connections without blind plugs plug
Integral indicator: D - Digital indicator
Mounting bracket: D - 304 SST or SCS13A 2-inch pipe mounting, L type (for vertical piping)
Optional Codes:
Calibration units:
/D1 - P calibration (psi unit)
Wired tag plate:
/N4 - 316 SST tag plate wired onto transmitter