Bender Inc.
Bender's innovative technologies provide the best customer-specific solutions.
Ground-fault detectors for ungrounded systems - Bender's advanced ground-fault detection and location solutions for AC/DC systems detects ground faults before leakage current may even be present. The iso685 series includes advanced communication capabilities.
Ground-fault relays for solidly- and resistance-grounded systems - Bender's RCM and RCM series relays monitor for AC/DC leakage current. Available in single-channel and multi-channel options.
Isolated power systems for healthcare facilities - Isolated power solutions for healthcare facilities in compliance with standards such as NFPA 99 and CSA Z32. Features the LIM2010 line isolation monitor.
High-resistance grounded (HRG) systems - Neutral grounding resistor (NGR) monitoring via the state-of-the-art NGRM700 and NGRM500, as well as a wide range of grounding panels (HRG series) and solutions.
Protection panels - Bender's protection panels (GFGC, LifeGuard®, MarinaGuard®) are a complete solution for protecting personnel and equipment.
Protective relays - Monitor a multitude of key system values, including voltage, current, phase sequence, ground continuity, and more.
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